Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tale 1

Okay, so creating this blog is actually an assignment for my graduate program. I've been trying to come up with a concept that is personal to me and possibly interesting to others. So, while I know that many perceive my hobby as creepy or morbid, there is actually a name for people like me: taphophiles. Given that we have a moniker, it seems that maybe this is not such an uncommon prepossession. The bottom line being that I adore cemeteries. I can't remember a time when I wasn't drawn to them. My favorite hobby is to walk my local cemeteries and photograph headstones. This is precisely the pastime that got me back into school. Once I take the photos, I put them on my computer, organize, crop and create memorials for these forgotten souls on Somehow this segued into my interest in archiving. As a contributor on, I have created almost 20,000 memorials. I am most gratified when some far away stranger finds a memorial I've made for their family member or friend. They tend to be very appreciative. Many people request transfers so they can maintain the memorials themselves, which is fulfilling since I've managed to make a connection between a person who has died and mostly forgotten with someone who hasn't entirely disregarded the deceased. I feel almost as though I am helping the deceased find their home. I imagine I will have a similar satisfaction as an archivist; when I can find that needle in the haystack and get it to Betsy Ross to finish the flag (metaphorically speaking, of course)!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy wandering through cemeteries myself but never considered a moniker. Some of the headstones are beautiful, and the engravings are fun to read... some moving and others entertaining. The site was new to me. Imagine my surprise when one of the 11 names listed for the cemetery in my home town was a distant relative who lived next door to my parents. Thanks for the introduction to this site!
